- JOIN US on Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:00 pm in Building A! VPK – K5: Mission Friends // 1st- 5th Grade: Mid-Week Kids Connection
- Children’s Ministry needs volunteers! If you feel led to serve in our children’s ministry, please let us know! Contact Marilynn Beale for more information. marilynn@tbcapopka.org.
- Middle School and High School students! Join Oxygen Student Ministry (OSM) every Wednesday night at 6:30 – 8:00pm for worship, teaching, and fun with your friends! CLICK HERE for more info and events coming up.
- Don’t miss Adult Bible Study on Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm in the Chapel. Join us for a time of prayer, Bible Study, and fellowship!
- Join the Frontline Ministry Team! Help welcome guests and visitors on Sunday mornings! If you’d like to be part of a fun, upbeat, loving team of people join the Frontline Ministry team! Contact Pastor Jeremy (jeremy@tbcapopka.org) or Beth Pettis (pettis@tbcapopka.org).
- Join the Tech Team! We’re looking for a few volunteers who want to serve on our audio/visual team during worship service. If you’re familiar with basic computer technology, have a serving spirit, and are willing to learn, please contact Josh & Sarah Brown (jtbrown80@gmail.com).
- Do you receive regular e-mails from us? Visit the welcome desk or e-mail your contact information to beth@tbcapopka.org to be added to our e-mail list!
- If you’re not connected with a small group at 9am on Sunday mornings, what are you waiting for? Plug in and see what you’re missing! You can find more information on classes at the Welcome Desk.
- TBC T-Shirts are available for purchase at the Welcome Desk! $13.00 each, cash or check or credit card are accepted. Adult and Youth sizes are limited, more are coming soon!
- Online Giving Portal: Visit www.tbcapopka.org, click on the Giving tab. When you choose the Online Giving link, you will be taken to our Giving Portal. If you have questions, contact Cammie at 407-886-2966.
- Trinity Christian School will be celebrating 50 years of Christian education in 2024! If you’re interested in being part of the planning committee or would like more info, please contact Chandra Allen at callen@tcsapopka.org or call the school office at 407-886-0212.